Record Corn Harvest Sets Tone for Next Week’s Export Exchange

  • More than 200 international customers from more than 30 countries slated to attend premier networking event.
  • Domestic suppliers will also be in attendance to answer questions and facilitate trade.
  • Export Exchange will feature dynamic speakers on critical issues facing U.S. exports.

WASHINGTON — With U.S. farmers anticipating a record corn harvest and U.S. ethanol producers expecting record production of animal feed co-products, the timing could not be better for Export Exchange 2016, scheduled for next week in Detroit.

More than 200 international buyers and end-users of coarse grains and co-products, including distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), are expected in the Motor City for this premier biennial networking event.

Co-sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Export Exchange offers attendees an unparalleled opportunity to meet and build relationships with domestic suppliers of corn, distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS), sorghum, barley and other commodities.

This year’s anticipated attendees represent a diverse cross-section of customers for U.S. grains.

“At a time when we are looking at a record corn harvest and the clear need for international trade to be championed by our country’s leaders, Export Exchange is critical for our industry,” said Tom Sleight, president and CEO of the U.S. Grains Council. “It is essential for us to strengthen the bonds between suppliers and partner countries, and the connections made next week will not only help propel our industry this year, but for years to come.”

Export Exchange will host more than 200 international buyers from more than 35 countries as well as members of the U.S. grain supply chain.

“In today’s volatile ethanol market, DDGs have become even more important for producers. A growing and vibrant export market will be key to future success. With buyers from more than 35 countries participating in this year’s event, the 2016 Export Exchange is a can’t-miss event,” said Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen.

In addition to networking opportunities, the conference will feature engaging speakers addressing critical issues facing U.S. agricultural exports, offering customers and sellers in attendance an increased awareness of the benefits of U.S. coarse grains and co-products.


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